We had another scrimmage. I Jam reffed the first scrimmage, then pack reffed the second.
It is utterly amazing how an otherwise intelligent individual with some small understanding of the rules can totally screw up on the most basic things in the heat of making the call. I think I put two or three skaters on the bench over a minor.
It is utterly amazing how an otherwise intelligent individual with some small understanding of the rules can totally screw up on the most basic things in the heat of making the call. I think I put two or three skaters on the bench over a minor.

At least I can laugh at myself.
Our league generally has a Q&A at the end of each scrimmage, which is usually a civil conversation about the rules,(by usually I mean it can easily become a total shitshow if someone want's to throw anger around.) and frankly, an opportunity for skaters to call us on our bad calls. Generally speaking it's a great practice and it helps everyone learn more.
During our Q&A someone observed that a skater had been benched for a minor back block, to which I stated: "That was a mistake on my part...and I stand by it!"
I think that is (in my noobie paridigm) quintessentialy derby reffing. Shit happens. Mistakes can be made, and you try your best to avoid making them. The more you make, the more you learn and grow, but standing by your calls is imperative. Yes, it was a shitty call. Yes, I see my mistake and will try my damnedest to not do it again. Thank you for sitting on the bench knowing full well I screwed the pooch, and not complaining.
I think that is (in my noobie paridigm) quintessentialy derby reffing. Shit happens. Mistakes can be made, and you try your best to avoid making them. The more you make, the more you learn and grow, but standing by your calls is imperative. Yes, it was a shitty call. Yes, I see my mistake and will try my damnedest to not do it again. Thank you for sitting on the bench knowing full well I screwed the pooch, and not complaining.
I think I was probably 60/40 on my calls. and 40% error is really unacceptable to me. I wonder how a zebra kicks itself. I missed making a tripping call, and I saw the coach signing it to me. Sadly even though I saw the skater go down... even though I saw no one but my jammer was near her at the time, I still had a skater blocking the view of my jammer's legs. If I can't see her legs make contact, no matter how obvious it was, I can't call it. *sigh* The obvious call, is sometimes more like the "oblivious call."
On another note: If you are a ref and you wear glasses, losing them might not be a good idea. I wore my prescription sunglasses and the "blind ref" jokes never ended. I like to be th one to make fun of me, so I will keep the damn sunglasses and I will acquire a white cane. Yes. I am an attention whore. If I am going to miss calls while I tackle the learning curve, I may as well inject a little humor into the situation.
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